Saturday, January 15, 2011

Portrait - Natalie

I first met Natalie a year and a half ago in a Korean 101 course at BYU. She's planning in majoring in a program that allows her to utilize her Korean and/or Chinese language skills - I am all for a beautiful girl with Asian pride! I still think she can pass for half Korean. Natalie is also involved in dance at BYU, and is a member of the hip-hop group Club Style. I was grateful for the opportunity to use her as a model. It was a pretty cold day, so we were forced indoors for the majority of the shoot. Thanks for a great time, Natalie!

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About Me

I'm a Senior at BYU studying Genetics and Biotechnology. Graduation is just around the corner -- time is flying by! This blog is for all my friends and family around the world who want to keep up with what I'm getting up to.