Saturday, January 8, 2011

Personal - Home Cooking

Being home means being able to enjoy all of the culinary delights of my mother, whose Korean dishes are the best I've ever had. Just because I'm biased doesn't mean it's not true! One of my all time favorite dishes of hers is something like 탕수육 (tahng soo yook) - it's marinated beef strips coated in a potato starch batter and deep fried. Donkatsu or "bulldog" sauce is the dip of choice, but it can also be served sweet and sour style with veggies. My favorite part of watching my mom cook is being able to "taste test" before dinner ;)

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About Me

I'm a Senior at BYU studying Genetics and Biotechnology. Graduation is just around the corner -- time is flying by! This blog is for all my friends and family around the world who want to keep up with what I'm getting up to.