Sunday, March 7, 2010

Photo Walk - Duck Pond


My friend Carolyn is enrolled this block in a introduction to photography course at BYU, and is allowing me to partake of the benefits of the class by sharing what she's learned and her assignments. So this weekend we walked along the parkway by the Provo River for her to get some shots. I had to use her dad's old film camera to entertain myself, seeing as I had forgotten to put the battery in my own camera. After we came back for my battery we went up the street to the pond south of campus. Carolyn didn't want to shoot the ducks (we saw several other girls from the class crouching around the pond with cameras pressed to their faces) but I endured the frustration of trying to catch those moments when the ducks weren't just amiably floating along. And when the ducks proved too docile, I turned to what I love most - plants. I was thoroughly amused to see a quiet and unassuming tree carved extensively with the names of lovers past, which wasn't surprising on BYU campus. One carving had two initials added together, "4 T+E" (time and eternity). Awww...!


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About Me

I'm a Senior at BYU studying Genetics and Biotechnology. Graduation is just around the corner -- time is flying by! This blog is for all my friends and family around the world who want to keep up with what I'm getting up to.